Getting Started5 | Installation2 |
Integration3 | API2 |
Troubleshooting2 | Misc1 |
Why Isn't There A Library For XYZ?Little Software Stats currently only works with a select number of libraries. If you would like a library for your software, then please contact us.
Can You Integrate Little Software Stats With My Software?Sorry, we are unable to integrate Little Software Stats with your software. However, if you are having troubles and would like assistance then please contact us.
How Can I Make Sure Little Software Stats Is Recieving Data?To ensure Little Software Stats is receiving data, follow these steps:
- Open up the dashboard for that application
- Make sure the version is set to "All versions" and the to date is set to tomorrow
- If data has been received, then there should be a increase at the end of the graph in the dashboard
If data is not showing then go to the application settings (Overview -> Settings) and try each of these steps
- Make sure the application ID matches the one entered into your software
- Ensure the "Application Status" is set to "Started" and not "Stopped"