TP (required)
In order to determine what event is being sent, there must be an event code sent as well. The TP parameter will be specified along with each event in this documentation.
SS (required)
Every time data is sent to the API, it must have a session ID associated with it. This session ID is used to help gather information and remove it later on. The session ID is a randomly generated MD5 hash that is generated every time an application is ran.
TS (required)
In order to accurately keep track of how the software was being used during different time periods, a time-stamp is required to do this. The time-stamp is the current Unix time (or POSIX time) which is the number of seconds that have elapsed since January 1, 1970. The reason Little Software Stats uses Unix time is because it uses Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) which means there’s no timezone and its the same worldwide. Data sent with a time-stamp that is newer then 3 days (from the current day) is considered to be invalid.
FL (optional)
The order in which the data is read is specified by the flow ID which can be sent along with events. If the flow ID is not used then the events are read in no chronological order except for the start and stop events which are first and last (by default). The following XML example shows use of the flow ID to have events read in a certain order:
<osv>Windows 7</osv>
<cnm>[email protected]</cnm>
<ms>Hello World!</ms>
This would have these events sent in the following order:
- Start
- Event
- Log
- Stop